
Some Signs of Successful People


Success is often counter-intuitive.

One of the biggest life's dilemma's is that typically, the things you would expect to make you successful, don’t.
Instead it’s the things you wouldn’t have thought about, that DO lead to massive breakthroughs and success.

Many successful people actually stumbled upon success quite by accident.
Success doesn't come by chasing it. Rather, success comes by chasing to impact other people and changing their lives.

More specifically, success comes by attracting people who will make you successful.

The road to success is littered with difficulty. The greater the difficulty, the greater the level of success.
Success can be obtained in many fields and professions such as business, making money, entertainment, artistic talent, sports, professional career and just about any conceivable field or profession under the sun.
The common misconception is that success is something you achieve. Actually, success is something you attract.
The following is a list of 16 signs that are indicative of a successful person. The list is not exhaustive by any means.
1. Ambition
Almost all successful people are ambitious. Ambition is one of the biggest motivation factors of success.
As a youth, John D. Rockefeller, reportedly said that his two great ambitions in life were to make $100,000 and to live 100 years.
2. Dream
Most successful people have big dreams. They may not always have an execution plan but they always dream that they will finally achieve a big goal. And this goal is usually something bigger than them. This keeps them going but also tends to distance them from the rest of the society.
This is quite the opposite compared to most unsuccessful people. A study conducted in the 1970s in America observed that most unsuccessful people neither had a dream nor a plan during their youth.
3. Solution-Oriented
One of the hallmarks of successful people is that they do not complain about a problem. Instead, they see the problem as an opportunity and look for a solution to solve the problem.
4. Introversive
Although some successful people are extroverts, most successful people I know are miserably introversive and shy.
5. Self-Motivated
While researching human behavior at large American companies in the late1950s, David McGregor observed that the average human being has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if possible unless coerced. This represented the greater percentage of the workforce.
He called this theory-X.
He also observed that a smaller percentage of people spend their physical and mental effort working naturally as if it was sheer play or rest. This represented a smaller percentage of the workforce.
He called this theory-Y.
6. Hard Workers
Most successful people work long hours, even when they don’t have to. This keeps them happy and motivated to live.
7. Time Sensitive
Most successful people are time sensitive. They get bored quickly especially when engaged in aimless discussions or fairy tales.
8. Non-Socializing
Most successful people I know rarely get into social circles, preferring to be alone most of the time, or spending time with only a few people.
9. Discipline
This one is obvious. Most successful people tend to be highly disciplined.
10. Habits
Most successful people have a very different set of habits right from their youth, high school and college.
11. Mindset
Successful people have a very different mindset. Today’s many successful people were never afraid of challenges, failure or risk.
For example, most successful people I know regarded FEAR as just another form of excitement and, failure as a learning process.
12. Passionate
Most successful people are motivated by a deep-seated passion rather than just money.
13. Honesty
Most successful people are extremely honest with themselves and with others.
14. Integrity
Most successful people regard integrity and reputation as something to be guarded more than money.
15. Teamwork
Successful people are natural leaders, therefore they thrive in teams. They’re slow to judge and quick to show appreciation and exalt the work of others rather than taking credit.
16. Lifelong Learners
Successful people are lifelong learners. They don’t regard themselves as knowing everything, but keep learning to develop themselves.
The above list is not exhaustive by any means. Consider successful people you may know and think of other indicative signs of successful people.

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